Rosedale Medical Center
600 Sherbourne St. Unit 702
Toronto, ON, M4X 1W4
Tel: 416-964-9112
Fax: 416-964-0644
Email: dryijindentistry@gmail.com
Dr. Yi Jin Dentistry
Family Dental Clinic

What Sets Us Apart?
We do not do "factory dentistry"
Many clinics now only care about packing their schedules and filling time slots, and often provide short and fast appointments where more thorough findings may be neglected. Many dentists neglect to take the time to actually sit down with a patient and explain the intricacies of a dental treatment. With us, we are a family practice that treats the person, not just their teeth. We take the time to sit down and get to know you. Only by understanding you as an individual can we provide comprehensive treatment for your teeth in order to improve your quality of life and health as a whole.
Often, the newer clinics appear cold and sterile and remind people of hospitals, so we focus on customizing our clinic for comfort and homeyness, to ease any nervousness or fears that you may have.
Treatment is provided when you come to the decision to proceed, after we review and weigh the risks and benefits of each option together, instead of being pressured into making rash decisions after a short appointment with minimal explanations of why you need it in the first place.
We do not falsely advertise "pain-free dentistry" and "stress-free dentistry"
Trauma is painful. Root recession and sensitivity is painful. Toothaches, needles, root canals, extractions, are painful. Only a dentist who can sympathize and recognize that dental pain and dental fear is real, will try their utmost best to provide quality care that minimizes these unpleasant sensations and to provide the best care possible to you under the least stressful environment possible.
Our greatest goal and reward is to always have the patient comfortable and confident in the chair and leaving with a smile. We are not afraid to laugh and joke with our patients and this is often the best part of our day.
We are fully comfortable with nervous patients. A nervous patient often has had a history of poor dental treatment or just general anxiety associated with the profession. Dr. Jin is very experienced and very gentle when it comes to treatment and will never force a patient to do something they are not fully comfortable with. We plan your treatment based on your tolerance and comfort levels and you never have to be shy about any feedback.
We refuse to do "shady dentistry"
Poor dental work often does not show signs or symptoms until years down the road, but can result in very expensive, complicated, and unpleasant repercussions. Unfortunately, there is a still a small amount of under-qualified dentists who continue to do less-than-ideal dentistry, with the allure of cheaper fees and false promises.
We believe in quality work and take pride in our treatment, because we are first and foremost a health profession, and swear by the oath we took as doctors to "first, do no harm." All treatment protocols are strictly followed according to the guidelines of the RCDSO (Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario) and the Ministry of Health of Ontario. Patient confidentiality is followed strictly according to the PHIPA.
We do not sell a product.
Dentistry is, and needs to remain to be, a health care profession. Too many clinics are predominantly business-oriented and focused on "selling treatment" to compensate for their high cost of overhead. We only recommend treatment based on what is the best option to preserve the tooth or the gums. It is a medical-based, research-based course of healing and prevention that is based on proven effectiveness and safety, not a money-making hustle.
Our Little Warm & Cozy Practice
Our Philosophy:
Our philosophy is to provide quality dental care in a trusting and respectful environment. We are committed to building a
lasting relationship with you and your family and we believe that your dental care should be comprehensive, with
outstanding customer service and warmth that sets our office apart from others.
From your first visit at our office you will be treated like a friend and our dental team will work hard to assist you with any concerns, to ensure your comfort and to make sure your experience is a pleasant one.
We hope to gain your trust and respect by providing excellent patient care.
Technology, Eh?
Our brand new intraoral camera allows for quality video and image capturing, letting you see exactly what we see, providing more reliable and dependable treatment that you can trust!

Our nifty wireless Bluetooth speaker can connect to any mobile device to allow you to play the music of your choice while you relax in our chair!